John Paczkowski from AllThingsD asks “What Are Apple’s Icons Doing on Samsung’s Wall of Apps?”
Consider the wall of apps in this photo of the company’s new shop-in-a-shop in Italy’s Centro Sicilia, which appears to feature not only the iOS icon for Apple’s mobile Safari browser, but the icon for the company’s iOS App Store — three instances of it.
Samsung Wall With Apple Icons

I am willing to bet that this task was outsourced to an external company, but wouldn’t you tread lightly knowing that Apple is accusing you of copying their designs?
Josh Rosenthall published an informative article on Edible Apple about Samsung using RAND (reasonable and non-discriminatory) patents against Apple. From the article:
Whereas the patents asserted by Apple against Samsung are completely owned by Apple and unencumbered by any outside obligations and restrictions, many of the patents asserted by Samsung involve technologies that are part of established technological standards.
Because Samsung’s patents are part of an industry standard, it must be licensed equally to parties implementing the standard without discrimination. If Apple implemented an industry standard without licensing the applicable patents from Samsung, it makes sense for Samsung to pursue a license deal from them. But using these patents to defend against Apple’s existing lawsuits is like fighting a forest fire with a water pistol; just plain confusing.
The FCC’s Net Neutrality rules will go into effect on November 20th. Barely passing back in December with a 3-2 vote along party lines, the new regulations ban ISPs from intentionally blocking or degrading the speed for legal internet traffic.
Expect legal battles ahead in an attempt to derail the new rules. From Reuters:
But revving up the printing presses means that legal challenges from Verizon and MetroPCS that hope to overturn the regulations can now go forward.
In April, the D.C. Court of Appeals dismissed suits from the internet providers aimed at overturning the FCC’s rules. In its decision, the court said that the companies needed to wait until the new regulations were published in the Federal Register before any appeal could be heard.
The FCC will publish the net neutrality rules tomorrow.
From the AP:
A pillar of physics - that nothing can go faster than the speed of light - appears to be smashed by an oddball subatomic particle that has apparently made a giant end run around Albert Einstein’s theories.
I am not going to attempt to talk physics, but if you are interested, the AP article is a great place to start.
Al Gore

I just read over on
AppleInsider that on Wednesday at the Discovery Invest Leadership Summit in South Africa, Al Gore was quoted as saying:
Not to mention the new iPhones coming out next month. That was a plug
Some are interpreting this as “multiple iPhone models will be released in October.” While I agree with the October part (since next month is October), I have to wonder if the quote was transcribed incorrectly. If we rewrite the sentence, adding an apostrophe between “iPhone” and the trailing “s”, we could come to a different conclusion:
Not to mention the new iPhone’s coming out next month. That was a plug
Simply plugging in an apostrophe changes the sentence from inferring multiple iPhone models to a simple “iPhone is” contraction.